Home Politics Trey Gowdy: Father Time has caught up with Biden

Trey Gowdy: Father Time has caught up with Biden

Trey Gowdy: Father Time has caught up with Biden


‘Sunday Night in America’ panelists Ned Ryun and Tudor Dixon discuss voters’ concerns about President Biden’s age after his performance at the CNN Presidential Debate and who could potentially replace him as the Democratic nominee.


  1. TRUMP flew on Epstein's jet dozens of times, is all over his call logs, called him a good friend, is mentioned in the Epstein grand jury testimony doing bad things with children, Ghislaine says there are tapes with him, he appointed the DA who gave Epstein his sweetheart deal to his cabinet, and was in charge when Epstein mysteriously died prison.

  2. Bernstein is another experienced and accomplished liar. To wit his role in ‘exposing” the Watergate scandal – another CIA operation to get rid of a President who spent his career going after the deep state

  3. I do not think the Democrats care about a "legal" option. They will find a workaround just as they always do when faced with something they don't like (Supreme Court decision that Biden has no authority to forgive student loans.)

  4. We are living in President Ford's prediction of how a woman will be President. That prediction was 40 years ago. Basically the incumbent steps down and she becomes President. But that's not all of it. She gets to pick her replacement for VP. Enter Gary Newsom. The real dictator. And he will be on the ticket with her. Vote Trump 2024.

  5. TRUMP flew on Epstein's jet dozens of times, is all over his call logs, called him a good friend, is mentioned in the Epstein grand jury testimony doing bad things with children, Ghislaine says there are tapes with him, he appointed the DA who gave Epstein his sweetheart deal to his cabinet, and was in charge when Epstein mysteriously died prison.

  6. It doesn't matter what a person's age is, as long as they can do this job. I'd gladly vote for someone over 100 if they had the energy, heart, and logic to do their duties effectively.

  7. It's The Big Crackpot (Trump) who's delusional. That's the polite word for it.
    If it came from Fox so-called news, it's almost certainly a lie.
    Fox is the propaganda arm of the brainwashed Trump cult.

  8. More like Mr. Gravity has caught up with him. The weight of decades of pathological lying, vile corruption, obscene perversion, and abysmal stupidity are now crashing down the elaborate delusion of his entire worthless life and career.

  9. To just switch out the dems primary with whomever, is true anti-democracy at its finest…

    Is it Rig it to get him in?
    Then Rig it to get him out? I'm truly asking because:

    Where is the majority vote in all this

  10. I'm an independant and moderate, i like joe biden but he's just too old to be president plain and simple…both parties are very extreme and not giving the people someone more moderate thats not 70 or 80 years old…the democrats should of dealt with this years ago..biden helped them out by running against trump..trump is gonna win because he comes across more capable..politics aside..you need someone who doesn't have onset dimentia.

  11. CNN, has to take some of the blame, for years they told American viewers how smart and hard working Biden was, and that Civility would come back to Washington with Biden as our esteetmed leader. "Not a Joke" But the joke was on us.

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