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Transition of power from voters to party bosses as a result of the Democrats’ election activities

Transition of power from voters to party bosses as a result of the Democrats’ election activities


Every election cycle, Democrats introduce new voting schemes that are more complex than before, confusing voters and undermining confidence in the results. This manipulation is intentional, as leftists prioritize gaining and maintaining power over earning loyalty from voters. An example of this manipulation occurred in New Hampshire, where the DNC violated state voter suppression laws by attempting to control the primary calendar. By instructing voters that their votes were “meaningless” if cast on a date not approved by the DNC, they disenfranchised voters and faced a cease-and-desist order from the state Attorney General.

Democrats have also disenfranchised their own voters through the use of super delegates in presidential primaries, allowing party elites to choose nominees over the will of the voters. Moreover, the implementation of automatic voter registration and ranked-choice voting further complicates the election process, leading to disenfranchisement of certain minority groups and bolstering the power of party bosses.

The left is now considering mandatory voting, which could result in fines for non-participation, further skewing the process in favor of party elites. These actions demonstrate the Democrats’ commitment to retaining power through manipulative election practices, undermining the fairness and integrity of the electoral system. Voters, regardless of party affiliation, should oppose these tactics and advocate for transparent and fair elections. The push for reforms to improve the electoral process may be met with resistance from those in power who benefit from the current system.

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