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Transgender Terror: A Brutal Attack on a Women’s Shelter and the Media’s Silence

Transgender Terror: A Brutal Attack on a Women’s Shelter and the Media’s Silence


A recent attack on a women’s shelter employee in Greenville, South Carolina, has raised concerns about the intersection of mental illness and totalitarianism. Michelle Silva Perez, a 36-year-old individual who identifies as a woman but is biologically male, allegedly attacked a staff member at the Shepherd’s Gate shelter with a sword, causing severe injuries.

According to reports, Perez had been evicted from the shelter the previous evening for violating the facility’s rules, but returned the next day and carried out the attack. The victim, identified only as “Kirby,” remains in stable condition after undergoing emergency surgery.

The incident has sparked debate about the policies and procedures in place at the shelter, which is run by Miracle Hill Ministries. CEO Ryan T. Duerk stated that the shelter followed its intake procedures correctly, but was unaware that Perez was biologically male.

The attack has also raised questions about the impact of the LGBT lobby on society. Some argue that the promotion of transgenderism can be harmful, particularly when it involves encouraging individuals to adopt a false identity.

The phenomenon of transgenderism is complex and multifaceted, and can be driven by a range of factors, including mental illness and narcissism. While some individuals may genuinely struggle with gender dysphoria, others may be influenced by external factors, such as social media and peer pressure.

The response of the media to the attack has been telling. Some outlets, such as Inside Edition, have focused on the fact that authorities booked Perez as a male, rather than as a female. This has been portrayed as a case of “misgendering,” and has been used to promote the idea that transgender individuals are vulnerable to harassment and violence.

However, this narrative ignores the fact that the real victim in this case was the staff member who was attacked. By prioritizing the alleged perpetrator’s identity and ignoring the victim’s experience, the media is perpetuating a totalitarian ideology that values narrative over truth.

When the media operates in this way, it creates a culture in which victims are marginalized and ignored. This is a hallmark of totalitarianism, and it is a trend that should be resisted.

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