Home Politics Tom Shillue: I didn't know Gavin Newsom was this 'moderate'!

Tom Shillue: I didn't know Gavin Newsom was this 'moderate'!

Tom Shillue: I didn't know Gavin Newsom was this 'moderate'!


‘The Big Weekend Show’ panel breaks down what California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s veto of an illegal immigrant home loan bill means for his political future.


  1. He vetoed the bill because he doesn't want that money to go to anyone else, just him. That man spent over $10 Billion, thats with a B and can not show where the money went. Poof, the money was gone and then a few months later china's commie leader showed to California and Gavin was all buddy buddy with him. The guy is a snake in the grass.

  2. They need to stop giving out loans, period. They need to stop handing out money like it is their own money. That should be decided by the tax payers, since we can not trust the elected officials to do what is best for the people.

  3. Where ever Democrats are one should be thankful they have not taxed BREATHING, this enormous tax has backfired , but democrats are too DUMB to revisit this strategy, instead of DEMOCRATS they should be renamed DUMBCRATS, Newsom has finished California by introducing his communist ideas, hopefully neither dumb low IQ KAMALA nor Newsom fail in converting whole country in CALIFORNIA,

  4. Remember Republicans have touted the tRump tax cuts as being a boon to working class families with tRump lying to supporters that the bill would hurt him and other wealthier Americans. That same week trump told friends at his swanky Mar-a-Lago resort "You all just got a lot richer," hours after signing the GOP's massive tax bill. Magats are so gullible.

  5. california has no money… they have chased all the MONEY MAKERS OUT OF CALIFORNIA TO MAKE ROOM FOR ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS… Trump and elon musk "are the deciders" on who gets FEDERAL funding maybe they can put it to a vote later
    when they have convinced Trump and Elon….YEAH RIGHT!! NO MONEY FOR CALIFORNIA!! UNTIL THEY JOIN THE UNION!!
    SAME WITH NEW YORK!! maybe gavin can recycle enough cans to ballance the budget or give to illegal immigrants??

  6. F*** “American Dreams” for illegal immigrants, Nancy Pelosi~~!!! If you want it so badly, you can give them your own money, which you made using the inside info illegally, you OLD WITCH!!!!! 😡😡😡😡😡

  7. (I live in California) Gavin Newsom is very smart. I don't like him but he is smart. He's not running in 2024 because he doesn't want to be the one to lose to Trump. This is why Harris is being offered up as the sacrififial lamb; no other democrat wants to lose to Trump. All of the serious democrats are looking forward to 2028.

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