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Thousands Protest Against Mass Migration in Dublin, Emphasizing the Importance of Irish Lives

Thousands Protest Against Mass Migration in Dublin, Emphasizing the Importance of Irish Lives


One of the largest anti-mass migration protests in Dublin was held on Monday as demonstrators expressed their opposition to the open borders policy of the Irish government. Signs with messages like “Ireland belongs to the Irish,” “Irish Civil Rights,” and “Irish Lives Matter” were prominently displayed as thousands gathered in Dublin, according to a report by The Journal.

The protest also highlighted the growing anti-migration sentiment in Ireland, with protestors criticizing the government for its handling of the influx of alleged asylum seekers. The government admitted that it lacks adequate housing for migrants applying for refugee status, leading to hundreds sleeping rough on the streets of Dublin, described as “shanty towns” by Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris.

Demonstrators at the protest also directed their anger towards the Sinn Féin party, chanting “Sinn Féin are traitors” for their perceived support of the government’s migration policies. Irish Freedom Party leader Hermann Kelly criticized Sinn Féin for aligning with the government on migration and EU policies instead of prioritizing the interests of the Irish people.

Despite Ireland’s historical pro-migration stance, recent demographic changes have fueled public discontent with the open borders agenda. A survey by Amárach Research found that eight in ten Irish people believe immigration levels are too high, with a significant increase in the foreign-born population in the country. This backlash against mass migration was further exacerbated by a violent incident in November, leading to riots in Dublin.

The protest in Dublin reflects a shift in public opinion towards stricter immigration controls, challenging the liberal elite’s favored approach to migration. As the debate on migration continues to polarize Irish society, the issue of mass migration remains a contentious and divisive topic.

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