Home Politics This is a big warning sign: Former San Francisco mayoral candidate

This is a big warning sign: Former San Francisco mayoral candidate

This is a big warning sign: Former San Francisco mayoral candidate


San Francisco political commentator Richie Greenberg discusses Vice President Kamala Harris’ liberal record on ‘Fox News Live.’


  1. She is trying the same stuff that Biden tried in 2020… appearing to be a moderate then flipping far left… same thing here.. warn the people.. this is serious!! These people are evil luciferians who care about no one but themselves.. Repent and pray to save our nation!!! WE NEED Trump in 2024

  2. Folks if we don't like the disaster (s) we've been watching playing out in almost slow motion (but steady). The torturous part for most of us is that there's no end in sight !!! And there's no one in Washington who has b the juice to get someone to "pump your brakes" we're going to he'll at 70 MPH AND THERE'S A 30 MPH TURN RIGHT AHEAD OF US? Maybe if we "pump our brakes" by voting for someone who isn't drinking the "bong water" and turn on the "Jake brake" and get back under control and on the road again we might be able to save some of the things that we remember that was good about America and Americans. And Cacklin Kamala and Tampon Tim aren't the drivers we need to take the wheel to stop this slow motion wreck we're heading for the only thing they will do for America is make sure we are all at the crash site before the Ambulance gets there????LoL I think you all know what I'm saying??? Wake up people this is OUR RESPINSIBILITY THIS OUR COUNTRY AND WE HAD BETTER TAKE CARE OF THE COUNTRY WE LOVE AND STOP THIS NONSENSE AND GET SOME SERIOUS PEOPLE IN THE DRIVERS SEAT ASAP!!!! PRESIDENT TRUMP!!!! BECAUSE HE WON'T "SINGIT"" HE WILL "BRINGIT"" AND WE NEED SOME SERIOUS ACTION IN THE "RIGHT" DIRECTION. NO LEFT TURN!!!!!.

  3. I'm a brown American from San francisco CA and there is no way I am nor my family is voting for incompetent word salad Kumala Harris! She can't even win a single delegate in california let alone the country! The dem operatives better start harvesting millions of illegal ballots now if they want this clown to be installed in the white house!

  4. If you live on social security like I do. Don't vote Republican. The whole republican party ran on ending social security. They called it socialism. They wanted to pull it up by the roots. Then of course a huge tax cut for the rich after they cut it.

  5. Kamala Harris, what exactly is Prop47……. it sounds like a get out of jail free card? Is this why crime is so bad? They are saying you wrote this ordinance back in the day…… Really??? Would you close the border or leave it open for further invasion??? 😢😢😢 You've got a lot of explaining to do????😮😮😮

  6. Independent Moderate here. Also, a Californian. Harris isn't pivoting to the center. She lives there. California has VERY conservative sectors. She's never been liberal enough for leftists in the party. And she beat out another cop running on her record. That's how she got Moderates to vote for her again and again and again. Trump better have a stellar debate or we're voting for the prosecutor over the convict.

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