Home Politics They want to limit Americans’ exposure to Biden, says Sean Hannity

They want to limit Americans’ exposure to Biden, says Sean Hannity



Fox News host Sean Hannity says that everyone is trying to cover up Biden’s physical and mental mess.


  1. i'd almost be willing to bet that if and when Trump wins, all these biden supporters, hamas supporters, and all these other left wing whack jobs are going to start their final push for a civil war solely so they can blame Trump for "causing a civil war"…

  2. They should just get one of those fake President Wax figures of Biden from that phony Disney display and drive it around on a flat bed truck and just let it sit there with a stupid smile on it's face and sticking his hand out like he wants to shake hands.

  3. Trumps attorney shot himself in the foot saying at the opening of the trial. "jury, it was not a reimbursement". But yesterday was proven it was!!! Trump is sunk, He's finished, His lawyer f*** him with that lie that came back to haunt them.

    Guilty as charged. His polls are already sinking.

  4. You have to understand there are people out here who are not mentally stable and they watch shows like this and also on msnbc cnn and they just get carried away and they do stupid things. You know the media is powerful its reach and influence is global and could really make the world better. But you have people on fox I look at these peoples faces when they read their scripts they don’t want to say half the things that they do I can tell. A lot of these people probably when the cameras are off probably amongst each other say what is going on what is going on with the world and they don’t agree with what’s going on in the Middle East. You’ll never know that by watching them when the cameras are on though.

  5. Trump is the best hope against the Liberal Woke & LGBTQ Agendas; the Rainbow & Unicorn idea of inclusive society BS; and the Tsunami of Nonsense from Climate Change Lunatics; which will ultimately lead to the destruction of Western Civilizations and the disintegration of USA.

  6. Perhaps trump wouldn’t be sitting in court if he wasn’t the most prolific criminal in our lifetime. I personally want to live in a democracy not a fascist state. Sean, I know you have a limited IQ, but did you watch the State of the Union address or the Correspondence Dinner ? Trump starts babbling incoherently & all but drools. It’s funny for mental midgets to clip a few totally unrelated 2-4 second segments to make it seem like whatever you want. Look at all of the economic numbers. I’m sure someone can explain it to you.

  7. There should be no enthusiasm for FJB he was responsible for taking first place in failed military withdrawals since Vietnam and overspent so much USD that we lost over 25% of our total buying power. Returns jobs lost due to covid-19 to a new crowd and called in job growth. All this suffering we must now endure just to for you to leave a job less then half finished. Was the halfhearted position taken against the globalists done simply to implicate us in future plans of retribution without rendering any real support to a cause your benefactors started?

  8. Why aren't these people against Trump thrown out judicially? This is the demise of our judicial system. We know why they won't replace him KAMALA HARRIS AS PRESIDENT IF HES NOT ABLE TO RUEL OUR COUNTRY! It's not welcome in our country! What will they do now Nuesom!

  9. No Hannity, You are corrupted as Trump. Trump is a Physical and Mental Mess. Not Biden. Trump is a sicko, a rapist, a fraudster. A lying son of a gun. Not fit for the Presidency. Never Again. Disgrace to America.

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