Home Politics The U.S. Army Unveils Controversial Psychological Operations Recruitment Video

The U.S. Army Unveils Controversial Psychological Operations Recruitment Video



A new video released by the U.S. Army’s Psychological Operations (PSYOP) division is using cryptic messages and unsettling imagery to recruit soldiers for intellectual warfare. Titled “Ghosts in the Machine 2,” the video features faceless heads and eerie displays to convey its message.

The video, quietly released on the branch’s YouTube channel, references historical figures like John Steinbeck and John F. Kennedy to emphasize the power of the mind in oppression. Dark imagery and flashing text further reinforce the message, ending with a question about the power of words and ideas.

The video concludes with a call to action and a link to the Army’s Special Operations recruiting page. Soldiers in the PSYOP division are trained to strategically influence and deceive to sway opinions and actions.

The video was created by a major from the 8th Psychological Operations Group based in North Carolina. This major also created a previous recruitment video that sparked online discussion. While there are concerns about the legality of such operations on American citizens, the Army hopes these videos will inspire potential recruits.

The Army has faced challenges in meeting recruitment goals, but hopes that videos like “Ghosts in the Machine” will help attract individuals interested in this line of work. Overall, the videos aim to showcase the impact of psychological operations without relying solely on words.

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