Home Politics The SAVE Act is Essential for Ensuring Voter Citizenship and Integrity

The SAVE Act is Essential for Ensuring Voter Citizenship and Integrity

The SAVE Act is Essential for Ensuring Voter Citizenship and Integrity


Democratic lawmakers are opposing the SAVE Act, which mandates proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections, arguing that existing federal law already prohibits noncitizens from voting. However, the flaw in this argument lies in the fact that government officials overseeing voter registration and federal elections cannot require proof of citizenship, making it easy for noncitizens to participate. The current system relies solely on the honor system without any verification of citizenship. This loophole is a serious threat to the integrity of our elections, allowing noncitizens, including illegal aliens, to register and vote in federal elections without repercussions.

The SAVE Act aims to address this issue by requiring proof of citizenship for federal voter registration and mandating the removal of noncitizens from voter rolls. With nearly 30 million noncitizens in the US, including 12 million who entered illegally, the need for this legislation is urgent. While Democrats dismiss the need for the SAVE Act by claiming that noncitizens do not vote in federal elections due to existing laws, the reality is that without verification, the law is easily violated.

Even a small percentage of noncitizens voting could sway the outcome of a close election, emphasizing the importance of safeguarding the electoral process. Democrats cannot deny the potential for illegal voting while simultaneously proposing measures that suggest otherwise. Ensuring the fairness and security of our elections is paramount, making it imperative for Congress to pass the SAVE Act.

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