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The Left’s War on Jews: How Antisemitism is Being Normalized in the Democrat Party

The Left’s War on Jews: How Antisemitism is Being Normalized in the Democrat Party


The decision by Vice President Kamala Harris to choose Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate has sparked controversy, with many questioning why Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, a highly respected and popular Democrat, was overlooked. Shapiro’s reputation as a moderate liberal and his ability to bridge divides made him an attractive choice, particularly in a swing state like Pennsylvania.

However, a torrent of opposition research and pressure from the left wing of the Democrat Party ultimately led to Shapiro being passed over. The reason for this, according to many, is Shapiro’s Jewish heritage. Despite Shapiro’s outspoken criticism of the government of Israel and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the fact that he is Jewish made him a target for the left’s antisemitic elements.

The left’s “Jewish problem” is nothing new, with a long history of antisemitism and hostility towards Jewish people. The Women’s March, Pride March, and Black Lives Matter protests have all been criticized for their antisemitic undertones, and the left’s portrayal of Israel as an aggressor has been widely condemned.

The left’s ideology is fundamentally at odds with the Jewish people’s existence and survival, as it challenges their narrative of oppressed peoples being inherently virtuous. The Jewish people’s ability to thrive and rebuild despite centuries of persecution and oppression is a testament to their strength and resilience, but it also makes them a target for the left’s ire.

The left’s cooption of terms like genocide and Holocaust to describe Israel’s actions is a desperate attempt to malign the only Jewish state in the world. This fringe movement is being wooed by Democrats, who view them as a key voter bloc, and it’s clear that the party is willing to sacrifice its own values and principles to appease them.

Harris’s decision to choose Walz over Shapiro is a capitulation to this antisemitic mob, and it sends a clear message that Democrats cannot abide a Jewish person on the ticket. This says a lot about the sad state of affairs in the United States, where antisemitism is being normalized and tolerated by the left.

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