Home Politics The Biden Bubble Bursts: Leftist Elites Realize Their Candidate Can’t Cut It

The Biden Bubble Bursts: Leftist Elites Realize Their Candidate Can’t Cut It



The Democratic Party is in a state of chaotic panic after Joe Biden suffered a humiliating defeat at the first presidential debate, courtesy of a scathing attack by his opponent, Donald Trump. The Left’s once-ironclad allegiance to Biden is now showing signs of cracking, with some voices calling for him to be replaced on the ticket.

Rumblings of discontent are most pronounced among Democratic strategists who felt blindsided by Biden’s lackluster performance. “How could you let this happen?” they exclaim, directing their ire at his campaign team. Chris Cillizza, a former CNN editor, went further, urging Democrats to be “furious” over the perceived selfishness of those surrounding the president.

But the truth, as noted by Axios‘ Alex Thompson, is that this outcome is merely a culmination of months of a president being obscured from the public eye and the media’s scrutiny. It wasn’t a surprise, despite the hysteria now engulfing the party’s faithful.

Meanwhile, liberal polls were already flashing warning signs about Biden’s inability to lead effectively. Alas, Democrats chose to ignore those signals, instead choosing to cling to their fading optimism. Now, the party’s in disarray, and they’re left to confront a harsh reality.

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