Home World The Alleged ‘Mass Graves’ of Indigenous Children in Canada Were Disproved

The Alleged ‘Mass Graves’ of Indigenous Children in Canada Were Disproved



In Canada three years ago, a shocking story emerged about a mass grave of indigenous children found at a former government boarding school run by the Catholic Church.

This story turned out to be a hoax, leading to the destruction of at least 85 Catholic churches across Canada.

Despite spending $8 million to find human remains at the alleged mass grave site, none were recovered.

The media and liberal Canadian leaders fueled the outrage, painting a grim picture of Canada’s mistreatment of indigenous people. Arson attacks on churches followed, with some calling for the destruction of all churches.

The truth behind the alleged mass graves revealed a more nuanced history, with existing cemeteries containing individual graves, not mass graves.

The hoax perpetuated by Indigenous leaders and liberal elites demonized the Catholic Church and Western civilization.

Today, there is no evidence to support the initial claims, highlighting the cultural battle against Western civilization that the West appears to be losing.

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