Home Politics Ted Cruz: Trump Shattered the Democratic Party

Ted Cruz: Trump Shattered the Democratic Party



Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, joins ‘Life, Liberty & Levin’ to discuss the Democratic Party and Biden’s ‘assault on democracy.’


  1. Remove President Joe Biden the old guy is an arrogant crook & a liar. What's worse is his entire family is crooked. US citizens can't say anything good about his administration with open borders, horrible inflation, the National debt, crimes in every state especially in NYC, Chicago, California, homeless, drug usage everywhere, wars in Ukraine, Israel, Gaza, what a mess President Joe Biden has brought us. The US citizens need to look at all of this seriously. Vote in Biden out in November if not before that date. Horrible – President Joe Biden is a waste !

  2. American founding fathers who wrote the American constitution and 10 Amendments predicted one day, as the ball continues to roll, a dictator against democracy will appear, and the time is now: Joe Biden. He shattered every common sense a national leader does, breaks every law he can and sell AMerica down the river

  3. The Democrats are defending Democracy that is what is wrong, we are a Constitutional Republic as the founding fathers intended because they knew even back then that all Democracies collapse into Dictatorships or Monarchies throughout history. Norman Mattoon Thomas (Nov. 20, 1884 – Dec. 19, 1968) was a leading American socialist, pacifist, and six-time presidential candidate for the Socialist Party of America.

    The Socialist Party candidate for President of the US, Norman Thomas, said in this 1944 speech: The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism,’ they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.’

    He went on to say: ‘I no longer need to run as a presidential candidate for the Socialist Party. The Democrat Party has adopted our platform.'”

  4. Someway somehow the Democrats will steal another election, they have to stay in power because if they don't most of them will go to jail.
    Trump 2024 made crime i l l e g a l again.

  5. a bunch of geriatric boomers mindhacked by facebook propaganda vids, etc have no room to talk about anyone's cognitive function… it took you losers about 8 years how to use smartphones and access social media. pathetic… and now you can't discern what is true or false anymore.

  6. Just ignore that the wheels are falling off the Republican party. FOX is better than the Comedy Network when you need a good chuckle, especially with guest clowns like Cruz.

  7. I don't think he broke them, I think he exposed them for what they truly are. They are openly hunting down a political opponent, creating crimes, then making him stand trial for crimes that do not exist with the ultimate goal of throwing him in prison.
    This is pretty scary stuff to see what these people are willing to do and they are doing it with no fear of consequeces.

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