Home Politics Tammy Bruce: Dems have spent all their energy covering up the fraud...

Tammy Bruce: Dems have spent all their energy covering up the fraud of the Biden presidency

Tammy Bruce: Dems have spent all their energy covering up the fraud of the Biden presidency


‘Hannity’ panelists David Bossie and Tammy Bruce analyze how the 2024 election will determine the ‘future of America.’


  1. I highly recommend 'The Daily Wire', they are the organization who sued and won against the federal government for trying to force federal workers to get a vaccination. They have Practicing Clinical Psychologist and Professor Dr. Jordan Peterson on staff. He has an EXCELLENT 16 segment program on 'The Exodus.' He and 8 other scholars did 16 – two hour segments, one of the men is a professor of the psychology of religion at Cambridge University. Also in 2017 Dr. Peterson did a 16 segment series on 'Genesis' with 45 minutes of answering questions after each segment. He has a special on marriage, one on 'Logos and Literature' which explains how the Bible made more of an impact on literature than ANYTHING, EVER! It is worth the $100.oo annual fee just for ONE of Dr. Petersons programs!

  2. I agree, outstanding monologue by Tammy Bruce. I remember how comparatively good things were under Trump. Low inflation, low crime, low taxes, secure borders, energy independence, no wars etc. Yet the MSM and the Democrats predict Armageddon if Trump is re-elected. That being said I fear the damage is terminal. How does a Trump administration identify and round up the numerous terror cells who've entered the southern border? It's an impossible task.

  3. Donald Trump’s companies have filed for bankruptcy six times1. These bankruptcies were all Chapter 11 reorganizations, which allow a company to stay in business while restructuring its debts. Here are the details:

    Trump Taj Mahal (1991)

    Trump Castle (1992)

    Trump Plaza and Casino (1992)

    Plaza Hotel (1992)

    Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts (2004)

    Trump Entertainment Resorts (2009)

  4. Tammy Bruce is a great supporter and speaker for Donald Trump but she f8cked up when she said the sentencing hit a "little road-block". The Democrat's plot hit a major roadblock!

  5. Hhahaaaaa…. Heheheeeee… The Dems can do whatever they want; we Black males are going to vote for Trump in droves and early because we were better off during his first term. I am also happy to see our Black sisters joining us.

  6. Trump and his entire family took the Covid vaccine. He told his cult following supporters to drink bleach and take horse meds. And many did. Get out while you still can. Listening to repetitive lies rotts the brain.

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