Home U.S. Survey finds police hiring at highest levels in four years

Survey finds police hiring at highest levels in four years

Survey finds police hiring at highest levels in four years


A recent survey conducted by the Police Executive Research Forum revealed that police departments in the United States and Canada have seen an increase in sworn officers being hired in 2023 compared to the past four years. The survey included data from 214 departments across 40 states, the District of Columbia, and Canada, showing a 30% increase in new hires compared to 2020 and a 6.4% increase compared to 2019. Additionally, there were fewer resignations and retirements reported in 2023 than in previous years.

This surge in hiring comes after a decrease in the number of sworn officers in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic and the murder of George Floyd in 2020. The survey also highlighted that larger police departments faced more staffing challenges, while medium and small-sized departments reported hiring more officers. Over the past four years, smaller departments reported a 38% increase in officers, while larger agencies only saw a 5% increase in staffing.

Despite the positive trend of fewer resignations and retirements, there is still work to be done in the policing profession. Chuck Wexler, the executive director of PERF, emphasized that while the survey data is encouraging, it does not provide insight into whether officers are leaving for other departments or exiting law enforcement entirely. Smaller departments witnessed an increase in officers leaving, indicating that there are ongoing challenges within the profession.

Overall, the survey results indicate a positive trend in the hiring of sworn officers, but it is clear that there are still obstacles to overcome in the field of law enforcement.

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