Home Politics Surprising: Politico Discovers Biden Donors Supporting Pro-Hamas Revolutionaries

Surprising: Politico Discovers Biden Donors Supporting Pro-Hamas Revolutionaries



Politico’s editors were taken aback by the discovery that the recent far-left demonstrations sweeping college campuses this spring are being funded by the same sources supporting President Joe Biden. An exposé published by the magazine revealed the financiers behind the campus protests, which involved demonstrators who had received training for months.

The headline of the article read, “Pro-Palestinian protesters are backed by Biden’s biggest donors.” The report outlined how some of the groups behind the protests receive financial backing from philanthropists who are actively pushing for Biden’s re-election. Donors such as Soros, Rockefeller, and Pritzker were mentioned as key supporters.

Specific organizations, like Jewish Voice for Peace and IfNotNow, were highlighted as being backed by the Tides Foundation, which initially received funding from George Soros and later from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The article also mentioned a significant donation of $500,000 from David Rockefeller Jr. to Jewish Voice for Peace through the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.

Criticism followed from online commentators who questioned why Politico found the funding sources behind the pro-Palestinian demonstrations to be “surprising.” The New York Post editorial board pointed out that this funding was not unexpected and was in line with the overall progressive agenda supported by Democratic donors.

Furthermore, Politico’s previous handling of the Hunter Biden laptop story was raised as an example of the magazine’s attempts to protect the president. The New York Post questioned why Politico characterized the funding revelations as surprising and criticized the magazine for bending over backward to support Joe Biden.

Lawmakers on Capitol Hill have taken notice of the ongoing demonstrations on college campuses, with Senator Josh Hawley sending a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland calling for a federal investigation. Hawley expressed concerns about the coordinated and funded nature of the protests and demanded a probe into potential violations of tax-exempt rules by the non-profit organizations financing the unrest.

Hawley highlighted the need to address the use of tax-exempt status for supporting protests that involve acts of civil disobedience, noting the risk posed to Jewish students and faculty. He called for the Department of Justice to take action to prevent dark money groups and foundations from defrauding the American people and endangering individuals on campus.

The article was written by Tristan Justice, a correspondent for Truth Voices, and highlighted the concerns surrounding the funding of the pro-Palestinian demonstrations on college campuses.

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