Home Videos Surprise Reunion: Retired Cop Reunites with Rookie He Rescued as an Infant

Surprise Reunion: Retired Cop Reunites with Rookie He Rescued as an Infant



Retired police lieutenant Gene Eyster joins ‘Fox & Friends Weekend’ with Matthew Hegdus-Stewart, a police rookie serving the same department that saved his life when he was a baby. #FoxNews


  1. What an amazing story …first it brought a tear to my eye as a baby was left in a box a few days before Christmas – probably crying, cold and hungry. How could someone do that…they could have taken him to a police or fire station – they could have gotten help. Yet this officer helped save him – and more importantly he was adopted by a good family…what a happy ending. Thank you officers for your service.👮‍♀👮‍♀

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