Home Politics Stormy Daniels’ Testimony Persuaded Me SAG and WGA Should Advocate for Porn...

Stormy Daniels’ Testimony Persuaded Me SAG and WGA Should Advocate for Porn Industry

Stormy Daniels’ Testimony Persuaded Me SAG and WGA Should Advocate for Porn Industry


David Simon, the former journalist and creator of the acclaimed TV show “The Wire,” had a revelation while watching Stormy Daniels’ testimony during the Trump business records trial. It was not about Donald Trump, but rather about the need for Hollywood’s actor unions to step in and organize the unregulated adult entertainment industry.

In a tweet, Simon expressed his belief that SAG, WGA, and DGA should work towards unionizing porn actors. Despite being known for his extreme leftist views and disdain for Trump, Simon’s support for this cause may come as a surprise to some. He has a history of controversial statements, including praying for the destruction of Mar-A-Lago during Hurricane Dorian and comparing Trump to 1940s fascism.

Despite his controversial past, Simon’s call for unionizing porn actors aligns with his anti-capitalist and progressive beliefs. He has shown support for Bernie Sanders and has been vocal about his views on social and political issues.

Overall, Simon’s stance on this issue may be unexpected but reflects his larger ideology and advocacy for workers’ rights in all industries.

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