Home Politics Steve Doocy Suggests Trump’s Popularity Might Increase If Convicted

Steve Doocy Suggests Trump’s Popularity Might Increase If Convicted

Steve Doocy Suggests Trump’s Popularity Might Increase If Convicted


Fox News host Trey Gowdy joins ‘Fox & Friends’ ahead of jury deliberations in Trump’s New York trial to explain what would happen if the former president were convicted.


  1. The two lawyers may not be Criminal Defense Lawyers but unless they obtained their law degree through a mail in program off the back of a Cheese It box they should know there was no Hard Core Indisputable evidence showing Donald Trump Knew what Cohen was doing with the monies /checks(with memos). One can theorize all you want but until this case “We The People” always thought it’s not what you think but what you can prove in a court room

  2. Daddy why did you cheat on my Mother……?…..Was that OK to do…..I think it was called Adultry…..How can I look you in the eye and ever trust you ever again…..talking about truths…..

  3. This whole thing is playing out on the world stage – our reality show culture. Obese Trump is like mama june….saying stupid and shocking things…waddling around with a scowl…..with a stupid clueless family that also says stupid and shocking things…..with tawdry affairs and intrigues in the background where morals have no value. Welcome to the new trump cult gop.

  4. I drove by a stopped school bus on a two-lane road that was waiting to pick up kids that were still in their house. A cop saw me, arrested me, then took me to jail because passing a stopped school bus on a two-lane road that displays the stop sign and the flashing red lights is illegal. I was tried, convicted, and spent a total of 90 days in jail. As I said, the kids were still in the house and not in danger. Why was I charged with a crime when no one was harmed? 😔

  5. I thought he's innocent..?
    Evidence will show that- Right??
    Why are any maga worried about all that factual evidence? It can only be good..😂 alot of it has his signature

  6. Then let’s convict the baby. Crying Trump about the FBI language when they came to Mara Largo when Trump wasn’t even there. The same language was in Biden FBI warrant as well. What a drama lying mentally declining failed former twice impeached rapist ex president

  7. Meanwhile parts of northern India are setting records with temperatures over 120 F. But yeah, lets elect the uneducated guy who still doesn't believe in global warming.

  8. A bunch of friggin idiots at FOX ENTERTAINMENT although it would be comical but some people believe this crap, propaganda or what ever you call it. Use your brain please this is nothing like what Jesus would do.

  9. The alledged crime 🤨 (election interference 2016) is hiding the Truth from the USA voters about Stormy and Karen due the Access Hollywood tape coming out and trUmp trumpet falling in the polls to around 30 percent 😯 of the vote, as in a freefall 😟 drop that would have ended with Clinton winning 🙄 the election in 2016 by a lot, in my opinion based on my past internet reviews of the material, as I know how to read, so u know how to read?, and not a statement of fact 😎

  10. Saying hello 🙄 to all the Russian operatives supporting trUmp trumpet takeover of the USA 😮 in this comment area of Entertainment News YouTube influencer opinion videos, we know what ur trying to do 🙄

    Way to go Raskin, the trUmp trumpet party doesn't know how to read and for them to lie and say Thomas Jefferson sign the Constitution, when in fact, he was out of the country at the time of the signing, was a very good point to call out; unless the trUmp trumpet party was thinking 🤔 just maybe it got faxed to Thomas Jefferson while he was in the Atlantic Ocean sailing to Europe 😯 as the trUmp trumpet party wants to rewrite history and also say trUmp trumpet invented electricity 😟 and also trUmp trumpet invented the telephone 😟 and also say trUmp trumpet invented space technology 😟 prehaps part of the hidden project 2025 blue print plans in my opinion based on my past feelings only and not a statement of fact

    Let history note the republican congress of 2022 thru 2024 r stupid in my opinion based on my past experience dealing with stupid people and not necessarily statement of fact 🤔

    Wait 🤨 r u telling me the six republican supreme court justices 😫🤪👽😡🤑😩 r so stupid that they can't listen to the previous oral arguments that took place at the federal court below them or is it simply these supreme court justices 😫🤪👽😡🤑😩 just don't know how to read 🤔 hmm, perhaps part of the hidden project 2025 blue print plans, in my opinion based on my feelings only it is both of the listed above reasons and not necessarily statement of fact 🤔

    Let history note the six republican supreme court justices of 2016 thru 2024 😫🤪👽😡🤑😩 r stupid in my opinion based on my past experience dealing with stupid people and not necessarily statement of fact 🤔

    D equals Democracy 🙂🙃 and R equals Russia 😡 presently due to the campaign money💰 flow to my understanding and opinion based on my feelings only and not a statement of fact 🤔. PS I think I am a very good guesser 🙄🙃🙂💰🤨

  11. If it's a hung jury, not guilty or misdemeanor outcome could Merchan set aside what the jury says and decide on his own to find Trump guilty and try to jail him?
    Normally I would say that something like that was crazy but with this administration you never know. It's been very crazy lately. Strange times….

  12. From my perspective🤔 we have not 6 republican supreme court justices 🤑😐😠😒🥱😴but we have 6 trUmp trumpet supreme court kings👸🤴🤴🤴🤴🤴 in my opinion based on my past experience only and not a statement of fact 😮

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