Home Politics Stephen Miller: Kamala Harris will be America's first communist president if elected

Stephen Miller: Kamala Harris will be America's first communist president if elected

Stephen Miller: Kamala Harris will be America's first communist president if elected


Former Trump senior adviser Stephen Miller and Fox News contributors Katie Pavlich and Ari Fleischer vet Vice President Kamala Harris’ record on ‘Hannity.’


  1. Kamilla Harris is, according to one fellow, the most repellent human on Earth.

    Kamilla Harris is a sneering mongrel half-cast with the intellectual capacity of a dead insect.

    Kamilla Harris will not debate Donald Trump not only because she is an intellectually deficient craven (& is aware of it), but also because she is a narcissist.

    Kamilla Harris has an utterly offensive presence; her voice, face & demeanour are grotesque, & her faecal-skinned appearance is repulsive.

    Kamilla Harris not facing Trump & the press is not simple cowardice, this is a case arrant faggotry.

    It is transparently obvious to anyone that takes advantage of the genetic endowment that Kamilla Harris is a two-bit fotze that copulates out of avarice.

    Kamilla Harris was disowned by her family.

    Americans, ask yourselves if the people pushing this secular theology- –

    Kamilla Harris- -care about you & your family.

    If Kamilla Harris (or any other dictator) is installed as leader of the most powerful country in human history there shall be a proper intifada.

  2. Everybody is voting for TRUMP! I`ts everywhere!! Kamala is just window dressing. She can`t beat TRUMP no way! The election will be watched like a hawk and if if anything strange happens, it will be fixed on the spot!! No cheating this time so she has no chance to win.

  3. How RIDICULOUS Trump is EXTREMLY COMPROMISED BY COMMUNIST RUSSIA AND PUTIN. Trump was considered HIGH RISK by US banks . He asked for and received loans from Russian underworld / Government. It is a well known fact that Trump is indebted to Putin. Trump is also responsible for Jan.6 . Trump has No respect… And IS NOT PROUD to be an American.

  4. Here's what You're not Getting about Public Health Insurance VS Private. Public Health Insurance Means
    Mandatory. It Means You OWE the Government. If the Government Finds Out you had any Resources they
    Didn't know about, then you Owe the Government Back for pretty much anything they say. Lawyers don't like
    to Fight them, so Good Luck Finding one who will. If you Don't have enough resources to fight, then you lose.

  5. The Fake and Phony Democrat Liar Border Czar Communist Cackler and her lying City Burning Traitor VP choice are as Incompetent, Useless and Clueless as her Anti-American Liar Boss Corrupt Biden…

    I can't wait for Trump/Vance to win the November Election by a Landslide and get rid of all this Corrupt Incompetent Traitorous Biden/Harris Democrat BS Train Wreck and get back to a NORMAL America.

  6. They are so terrified..😂😂😂😂 The funny part is they think this fear pushed on. Voters is going to help a candidate that sounds like that's seven year old onstage😂

  7. She’s a socialist and communist, no longer will you have to work hard to get somewhere. It’s free to everyone, free healthcare, free education, free housing, etc. Who is going to defend the US? How are you going to get people to join the military, when they don’t need too now? They will start drafting men and women, that’s how. The draft will become the norm in the US.

  8. And this time around, unlike with Hillary, no more deleted e mails to attack Kamala on.
    Trump's attempt to plant doubts about her race failed miserably.
    Are we really at a lost on what to attack her on?
    Changing her political stances? That would only make them highlight Trump's own evolving stands on policy matters like abortion, his vagueness on the Bible etc.
    Republican values?
    Trump is more maga than Republican.
    The military? The less said about the army and Trump together the better because of that accursed bonsespur.
    Sports? Cheating at golf and hours soent on golf courses away from the Oval Office might be brought up to counter it plus those sponsorship from the middle east.
    Personal life? Well, it's Trump who is campaigning without a partner so we're not going there.
    Moreover, nobody bought his claim of looking better than Kamala.
    Foreign policy? The humiliation from the North Korean dictator isn't paradeable stuff and why was Trump so eager to jump into those meaningless minglings with Kim?
    UFOs? The country would just stifle their laughters at his Space Force.
    So, should we let Trump debate Kamala?
    It's a chance we might have to take.
    However, the Democrats are sure to bill it as a Prosecutor v a Felon, so, it might actually be seen by neutrals as that.
    But we can't ignore debating Kamala forever.
    So, let's see how much we can blunt her sharpness as an experienced prosecutor used to speaking in front of higher authority and under strict rules.

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