Home World South Korea’s Supreme Court Grants Same-Sex Couples Access to Spousal Benefits

South Korea’s Supreme Court Grants Same-Sex Couples Access to Spousal Benefits

South Korea’s Supreme Court Grants Same-Sex Couples Access to Spousal Benefits


South Korea’s Supreme Court has made a landmark ruling, granting spousal benefits to same-sex couples, a move that is seen as a major step forward in the fight for equality in the country. The court’s decision allows those in same-sex relationships to be eligible for state health insurance, reversing a previous decision by the National Health Insurance Service (NHIS) to deny benefits to a same-sex couple, So Sung-wook and Kim Yong-min.

The couple, who have been together for over a decade, initially filed a lawsuit in 2021 after the NHIS canceled their benefits. In a statement, Kim expressed his joy and relief at the ruling, saying, “I couldn’t believe when I heard the ruling. I was extremely happy, and I started crying. It took four years to earn this dependent status. We need to fight harder to legalize same-sex marriage going forward.”

Chief Justice Jo Hee-de, who delivered the ruling, condemned the exclusion of same-sex couples from receiving benefits as a form of prejudice, saying that it was a discriminatory act that violated human dignity and the right to equality before the law. The ruling was made despite the fact that same-sex marriages are not legally recognized in South Korea.

The decision is seen as a major victory for the LGBTQ+ community in South Korea, with many viewing it as a stepping stone towards progress. Horim Yi, an LGBTQ+ activist, described the ruling as a “hopeful” development for same-sex couples living in the country. Chang Suh-yeon, one of the lawyers who represented the couple in the lawsuit, believes that the ruling will bring awareness and cultural change to those in same-sex relationships in South Korea, saying, “With this ruling today, the legal status of same-sex couples will be recognized in the public system, so I think the existence of same-sex couples will become more visible.”

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