Home Politics Should Trump present his own witnesses or go directly to the jury?

Should Trump present his own witnesses or go directly to the jury?



Former Deputy Assistant Attorney General John Yoo joins ‘Cavuto Live’ to discuss whether the Trump team should ‘race’ through their defense so Michael Cohen’s testimony is fresh, or put on more witnesses in NY v. Trump.


  1. Saying hello 🙄 to all the Russian operatives supporting trUmp trumpet takeover of the USA 😮 in this comment area of Fox Entertainment YouTube influencer opinion videos, we know what ur trying to do 🙄

    Way to go Raskin, the trUmp trumpet party doesn't know how to read and for them to lie and say Thomas Jefferson sign the Constitution, when in fact, he was out of the country at the time of the signing, was a very good point to call out; unless the trUmp trumpet party was thinking 🤔 just maybe it got faxed to Thomas Jefferson while he was in the Atlantic Ocean sailing to Europe 😯 as the trUmp trumpet party wants to rewrite history and also say trUmp trumpet invented electricity 😟 and also trUmp trumpet invented the telephone 😟 and also say trUmp trumpet invented space technology 😟 prehaps part of the hidden project 2025 blue print plans in my opinion based on my past feelings only and not a statement of fact

    Let history note the republican congress of 2022 thru 2024 r stupid in my opinion based on my past experience dealing with stupid people and not necessarily statement of fact 🤔

    Wait 🤨 r u telling me the six republican supreme court justices 😫🤪👽😡🤑😩 r so stupid that they can't listen to the previous oral arguments that took place at the federal court below them or is it simply these supreme court justices 😫🤪👽😡🤑😩 just don't know how to read 🤔 hmm, prehaps part of the hidden project 2025 blue print plans, in my opinion based on my feelings only it is both of the listed above reasons and not necessarily statement of fact 🤔

    Let history note the six republican supreme court justices of 2016 thru 2024 😫🤪👽😡🤑😩 r stupid in my opinion based on my past experience dealing with stupid people and not necessarily statement of fact 🤔

    D equals Democracy 🙂🙃 and R equals Russia 😡 presently due to the campaign money💰 flow to my understanding and opinion based on my feelings only and not a statement of fact 🤔. PS I think I am a very good guesser 🙄🙃🙂💰🤨

  2. Hilarious pretzel twisting here. I admire their ability to keep a straight face.
    Trump won’t take the stand because he is such a liar, he would perjure himself 12 times in 5 minutes.
    Costello won’t be called as witness because he is spewing his nonsense on propaganda channels instead.

  3. Can you still get those Hermann Goring cyanide capsules? Trump lied daily about being denied a jury in the first E Jean Carroll trial, then asked for a jury in the second one. Turns out he was right when he told Habba to ask for a bench trial in his first trial.

  4. When the Narcissist Fails
    A cautionary examination of how narcissists react to failure.

    They will falsely claim that everything is fine and that there is nothing wrong. They will try to first misdirect us or claim there is nothing to the allegations or circumstances.
    If evidence is presented, they will seek to have it invalidated or claim that it is false, fake, or a product of vague conspiracies, but most certainly not true.
    Any evidence presented, and those that present it will be attacked aggressively and vindictively. The better the evidence, the more aggressive the attack. Individuals who are doing the right thing by reporting criminal acts, unethical behavior, or failings are to be discredited, humiliated, hounded, and bullied—not even their families are to be spared if need be.➡️ The narcissist will engage supporters or enablers to simultaneously attack those who offer proof or evidence, even if it embarrassingly exposes their poodle-like behavior as that of spineless sycophants.⬅️ 🎀🧣🍊🤡🚗

  5. Is it quite possible that you Christian Nationalists and Republicans have no intellectual autonomy? Do you adhere to testimony and miracles based solely on hearsay rather than observation, law or science? Oh wait, you're all conspiracy theorists–strike my questions. Somehow, you're living and defunct at the same time.

  6. Everyone that was involved in this crime and those who knew of it has already testified for the prosecution. Who could he possibly call as a witness? I say let him either perjure himself or admit what he did on the stand while under oath. He keeps saying there's no crime. Let him say that in court.

  7. The Bible and the Constitution are FREE!!!! Only the Devil himself will sell you a Bible (Eternal Life) and the Constitution (We the People's fundamental RIGHTS & FREEDOM)! Fake President 100% Dic-tator Putin/Trump (pun intended) = Idiocracy 😁😁✌

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