Home Politics Robert Costello: It was Cohen’s idea to ‘handle this’

Robert Costello: It was Cohen’s idea to ‘handle this’



Robert Costello, a former legal adviser to Michael Cohen, joined ‘Life, Liberty & Levin’ to discuss conversations he said he had with Cohen regarding former President Trump’s non-disclosure agreement with Stormy Daniels.


  1. An innocent man would, with his wife in the gallery, take the stand and clear his name.

    I'm sure Big Don will clear all this up when he testifies this week…..

  2. Does Mark Levin really not know what hearsay is? That's certainly what it sounded like just now. Either that, or, he deliberately misrepresented what hearsay is, to serve his own political interests. This man is so deceptive, disingenuous, and insecure.

  3. When Trump wins, he needs to bring Biden and his cronies to account. America I never in a million years thought I would see what I'm seeing now in your country. I hope you fix this America before you lose everything.

  4. Why is this so pathetic, easy. Cohen was a desperate man and lied to his council. Cohen was still protecting Trump and he admitted he was lying at that time. Clients lie to their council all the time to get the representation they want. Trump is the master at this. Fox Trump propaganda will get nowhere with this story and they will just look more stupid come judgement day, Idiots for idiots.

  5. Trump does not lie and did not put his sperms in Horseface. Michael Cohen paid Stormy $130,000 and he needs to go to prison for ever.
    Trump will cast out every Athiest from America.
    MAGA 🇺🇸

  6. Costello sounds like a desperate broken record, who just repeats his rehearsed lines, over and over, on this propaganda network.
    His logic is so flawed, as well. His whole argument is that Cohen lies about everything, and can't be trusted about anything, while simultaneously arguing that the hearsay he keeps repeating Cohen said, must be the truth, because Cohen said it to him, at the time in question…
    Therefore, in short, according to Costello, Cohen is a liar about everything, except for what he told Costello that day…

  7. Yea cohen needed to make trump like him so he didn't tell him till after the fact what all he was charging him for and he did all this on his own just thiinking he was saving the day and brokw something yet again. Cohen you broke something again that didn't need fixed. You idiot get out of here and stay away from trump for ever piece of crap democrates. Trump 2024 trump or our country will be the city dump. It stunch in here from trash in this country. The democrates that's the trash you

  8. Never TRUMP! I prefer to live in a Republic with the freedom to choose. Given the reversal of Roe v Wade, the danger to young women in the country is real. Had the Dobbs decision been in effect when I was having children, I would have died in 1985, and none of my children would have been born. Our gasoline is cheaper than every other country in the world except Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela’s gasoline. Employment is lower now than ever. Had trump not mismanaged Covid, we would have been back on our feet much faster. I ordered masks on January 22, 2020 when I read an article in the paper about the virus in Wuhan. By the time that misogynistic narcissistic idiot did anything about it, two MONTHS had gone by. The stock market hit an all time high on Thursday. We have an amazing country, and no wannabe felon of a dictator is going to come and ruin it if I can help stop him.

  9. It is too early in the morning on Sunday for fox fake news to be already lying to it racist bigoted white nationalist neo-nazis white supremacists viewers. Trump signed the checks and falsified business records to do it … Fox fake news should be ashamed of themselves.😂😂😂😂😂😂

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