Home Politics ‘Re-electing Trump is Essential for Restoring World Peace’

‘Re-electing Trump is Essential for Restoring World Peace’



Caitlyn Jenner’s social media post showing strong support for former President Donald Trump is gaining attention and going viral. Jenner and her manager Sophia Hutchins were captured in a video leaving the White House Correspondents’ Dinner and being confronted by pro-Gaza protesters. In the video Jenner posted, Hutchins is seen making a gesture towards the protesters, and Jenner used this moment to encourage people to vote for Trump.

Jenner’s post included a message about surrounding oneself with a team of fighters and the importance of re-electing Trump for world peace. Jenner later praised Hutchins as a dedicated supporter of Trump’s re-election and highlighted her commitment to eradicating terrorists in the US.

Hutchins also expressed support for Trump, emphasizing his role in promoting world peace, economic prosperity, and steering the country back on track. Additionally, she praised Trump for his stance on LGBT issues.

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