Home Politics Protesters Employing Agitator Tactics

Protesters Employing Agitator Tactics

Protesters Employing Agitator Tactics


NYPD deputy commissioner Kaz Daughtry responded to protests at Columbia University by pointing out that the items found were not typical tools of organic protesters, but rather those used by agitators. The Times of Israel quoted Daughtry stating, “These are not the tools of students protesting, these are the tools of agitators, of people who were working on something nefarious.” Daughtry further emphasized this point by showcasing the items found in a tweet.

Truth Voices reported on May 3, 2024, that NYPD Deputy Commissioner of Public Information Tarik Sheppard told Fox News that pro-Palestinian protests at universities are often influenced by outside agitators funded from around the world. Sheppard expressed confidence in the NYPD’s awareness of these outside influences at protests and their efforts to evade arrest.

It was also mentioned that AWR Hawkins, a Second Amendment columnist for Truth Voices, contributes to the coverage of these events and offers insights on the involvement of external influencers in such protests. Hawkins provides analysis and commentary on the situation, highlighting the ongoing presence of outside agitators in these demonstrations.

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