Home Politics PragerU Unveils “Founding Fathers 101” Video Series and E-book

PragerU Unveils “Founding Fathers 101” Video Series and E-book

PragerU Unveils “Founding Fathers 101” Video Series and E-book


PragerU has launched a new video series and e-book that delves into the lives and legacies of the Founding Fathers of the United States. The “Founding Fathers 101” program aims to provide a comprehensive and engaging look at the men who risked everything to create the country and establish its foundation.

The series, which features seven 5-minute videos, will be released daily for a week, with each video covering the life and impact of a prominent Founding Father. The e-book, which will be provided to subscribers, contains the scripts of all seven videos.

The Founding Fathers, including George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe, James Madison, Benjamin Franklin, and Alexander Hamilton, will be explored through a team of renowned historians and scholars. PragerU claims that its “Founding Fathers 101” program will uncover the true stories of these men and provide a deeper understanding of their contributions to American history.

As a nonprofit organization, PragerU aims to promote American values and provide educational material on topics often overlooked by the education system. The organization seeks to be a free alternative to the dominant left-wing ideology in culture, media, and education, providing a conservative perspective on historical events and figures.

PragerU’s efforts have been met with controversy in some states. In Arizona, the state’s Superintendent of Public Instruction, Tom Horne, has expressed concern over the organization’s supplemental educational materials for school curricula. Meanwhile, in Louisiana, Democrats have attempted to oust the state’s education superintendent after he announced a partnership with PragerU.

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