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Police officer in New York City cleared three years after altercation with suspect at Apple Store



A veteran NYPD officer, Salvatore Provenzano, has been acquitted of assault charges after a scuffle in a Manhattan Apple Store. The incident occurred in 2021 when Provenzano and other officers were escorting a man, Kamal Cheikhaoui, out of the store for being unruly. Body camera footage showed Provenzano striking Cheikhaoui in the face, causing him to fall to the floor.

Despite facing up to one year in prison, Provenzano refused to take a plea deal and chose to go to trial. His attorney argued that he was defending himself against a perceived threat from Cheikhaoui, who had a history of aggressive behavior in stores.

After the charges were dropped, the Police Benevolent Association criticized the district attorney for targeting police officers instead of focusing on criminals. Provenzano’s lawyer also questioned why the case was brought in the first place, calling it a minor incident blown out of proportion.

While the court acknowledged the acquittal, they also stated that the DA’s office was justified in bringing the case forward. The NYPD and the DA’s office both emphasized their continued partnership and respect for each other.

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