Home Videos Officials make changes to Biden’s walking routine for Marine One

Officials make changes to Biden’s walking routine for Marine One



‘Fox & Friends’ co-hosts discuss President Biden’s health and age after officials began escorting him to Marine One. #foxnews


  1. Biden is not qualified to be a president.. you can see all youngest then him alright be president like obama and Donald Trump.. joe was work hard to be a president.. but still cant perform very well.. make US worst and the worlds

  2. He's too weak. He can't lift his feet off the ground properly. He's close to the point where he'll be shuffling his feet like many elderly people do. This is time to enjoy life a little and spend some more time with family. Additionally, he can barely speak in complete sentences and his memory is shot. It's time to go Joe.

  3. FDR dealt with diminishing abilities and yet was one of the greats. What Roosevelt’s body could not do was inconsequential to his intellect and execution. Unfortunately, Joe Biden lacks both mental and physical attributes and the country suffers the consequences of his incompetence.

  4. I am really serious, it is time to get Biden a walking stick possibly taller than himself, I love Yoyo Biden. People have asked me what does he mean
    Don't has driven us crazy and his uncanny dummy down on us, he will not give the colleges the time of day, you have to admit he's wise to all of us, i do resent that they ripped his wound open at the State of the Union bringing up the young lady killed by an illegal. He lost children, he knows those feelings and what makes me laugh even more is Trump now on his adds saying I humblely ask you for a few dollars, where did he find that word, with his limited vocabulary as it is how could he possibly have found that word. Thank God, we have many responsible people here in the U.S., reality has become a blockbuster movie in and of itself

  5. Not fit for legal trials of Treason, not fit to approach any set of stairs , AirForce 1 included, not fit to attend Presidential debate where only predisclosed questions asked by sympathetic moderator who ignores teleprompter which he cannot read, blue tooth hearing aides, and drugs designed to keep him alert for atleast an hour!

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