Home Politics Noem Justifies Dog’s Death and Recommends Shooting Biden’s Dog

Noem Justifies Dog’s Death and Recommends Shooting Biden’s Dog



Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota spoke on CBS’s “Face the Nation” about the difficult decision she had to make regarding her dangerous dog. She shared that she had to euthanize her dog, Cricket, who had shown aggression towards people and livestock. Governor Noem emphasized that she made this decision to protect her children and others from potential harm. She also defended her actions by highlighting the extensive training she had provided to the dog and the repeated incidents of aggression. Despite facing criticism for her decision, Governor Noem stood by her choice, stating that she prioritized the safety of her family and the community.

The interview also touched on Governor Noem’s book, where she detailed this particular incident and other tough decisions she has made in her life. Despite facing backlash for sharing this personal story, she defended her choice to include it in the book, stating that it was important for people to understand her authenticity and willingness to address difficult topics. Additionally, the interview touched on speculation about Governor Noem’s potential vice-presidential candidacy and criticisms she has faced from political opponents.

Governor Noem also commented on President Joe Biden’s dog, noting that it had reportedly attacked multiple Secret Service members. She questioned the accountability of the President in handling the situation and reiterated her commitment to making tough decisions for the well-being of her state. Governor Noem expressed pride in the success and growth of South Dakota under her leadership, highlighting the state’s economic prosperity and strong financial standing.

In conclusion, Governor Noem stood by her actions regarding her dog and her book, emphasizing the importance of authenticity and honesty in leadership. She underscored her commitment to making difficult decisions for the betterment of her state and the people she serves.

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