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NFL Hall of Famer Tony Dungy Calls Out Kamala Harris on Abortion and Faith

NFL Hall of Famer Tony Dungy Calls Out Kamala Harris on Abortion and Faith


Vice President Kamala Harris has come under fire from Tony Dungy, the first black head coach to be inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame, over her recent comments on abortion and faith. In a post on social media, Harris argued that one’s faith and deeply held beliefs should not be used to justify government restrictions on a woman’s right to choose. However, Dungy took issue with Harris’s statement, questioning which faith she was referring to.

Dungy, a devout Christian, cited several verses from scripture to support his argument that abortion is morally wrong. He asked Harris if she was referring to the Christian faith, which teaches that life is sacred and should be protected, or a more general “faith” that prioritizes personal autonomy over moral principles.

Dungy’s comments were sparked by a post from Harris that seemed to imply that one’s faith should not be used to justify opposition to abortion. However, Dungy argued that Harris’s own faith, or lack thereof, was unclear. He shared a post from former NFL tight end Benjamin Watson, who also criticized Harris’s stance on abortion.

Watson’s post highlighted the case of Amber Thurman, a young mother who died due to complications from an abortion. Watson argued that Thurman’s death was not caused by pro-life laws, but rather by medical malpractice and a lack of timely treatment. He criticized Harris for politicizing the issue and ignoring the facts.

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