Home Politics New York Judge Rejects Misleading Abortion Amendment

New York Judge Rejects Misleading Abortion Amendment

New York Judge Rejects Misleading Abortion Amendment


New York’s Abortion Ballot Measure Ruled Unconstitutional

New York Democrats and activists who tried to amend the state constitution to enshrine abortion rights are facing a setback. State Supreme Court Justice Daniel Doyle ruled that the state legislature did not follow the proper procedure for passing a ballot measure.

Doyle emphasized the importance of adhering to the will of the people when amending the constitution. According to New York law, the state attorney general must issue a formal opinion before the legislature votes on the amendment. However, in this case, the opinion came after the first vote, leading to a legal challenge.

This ruling has thrown a wrench in the Democrats’ 2024 election strategy, which aimed to increase turnout by passing the abortion-themed ballot measures. The proposed amendment, known as the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), attempted to prevent future government restrictions on abortion. It also included provisions that some critics viewed as infringing on parental rights.

Despite the setback, Democrats are confident that the ballot measure will be reinstated in time for the upcoming election. Attorney General Letitia James plans to appeal the ruling in order to protect New Yorkers’ rights, including reproductive freedom and access to abortion care.

(Article written by Jordan Boyd, staff writer at Truth Voices)

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