Home Politics New York Governor Criticizes MAGA Supporters, Echoing Hillary Clinton’s Approach

New York Governor Criticizes MAGA Supporters, Echoing Hillary Clinton’s Approach



‘The Big Weekend Show’ co-hosts react to the left’s response of former President Trump’s Bronx rally turnout.


  1. Hochul is saying that the 95% of the crowd that came from out of state are clowns. Pretending they are local is what makes them look like clowns. It was just like Trump's fake auto union rally. Those MAGA actors were clowns too.

  2. I guess most people don't know that Kathy holkal the governor new York is the same one that passed a bill in New York for Isolation camp's covid sick camp's and there already built and Biden is going to sign our Healthcare and medical sovereignty away from us all and give it to the world health organization and world economic forum. Yes a doctor can say your sick and need to be Isolated and they can drag ypu away from your home to a Isolation camps without any kind of legal ⚖ advice or help

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