Home Politics New York City Becomes Magnet for Asylum Seekers Crossing Northern Border

New York City Becomes Magnet for Asylum Seekers Crossing Northern Border

New York City Becomes Magnet for Asylum Seekers Crossing Northern Border


A surge in illegal crossings at the northern border has led to a wave of undocumented immigrants making their way to New York City, according to a recent report by FOX 5 New York. The influx of migrants is attributed to the relative ease of crossing the border, which has been overshadowed by the focus on the southern border in recent years.

“It’s easy, that’s why the numbers are surging,” said Major Nicholas Leon, Chief Deputy of Clinton County Sheriff’s Office. The U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency has also confirmed an increase in apprehensions of individuals crossing the northern border.

Some of the migrants, who claim to be asylum seekers, have been spotted waiting at gas stations in upstate New York for rides to New York City. The Big Apple has become a popular destination for these individuals, who are taking advantage of the porous northern border.

The situation is not new, as human smuggling attempts have been on the rise in the region. Last month, it was reported that smuggling operations had escalated at the border between Quebec and New York, with one notorious crossing point, Roxham Road, being closed in 2023 due to the overwhelming number of asylum seekers.

In addition, U.S. Border Patrol has intercepted human smuggling operations in other areas, including the St. Clair River, which separates Michigan and Ontario. The problem has also spread to the border between Canada and Washington state, where human smuggling has become a growing concern.

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