Home Politics New Poll Indicates Trump Verdict Unlikely to Sway Voters

New Poll Indicates Trump Verdict Unlikely to Sway Voters

New Poll Indicates Trump Verdict Unlikely to Sway Voters


‘The Story’ panelists Marc Thiessen, Kellyanne Conway and Kevin Walling discuss the impact of former President Trump’s criminal trial on the November election and analyze President Biden’s campaign strategy.


  1. It speaks volumes with regards to the moral character of your country that so many people are able to turn a blind eye to criminal behaviour that is so clearly unconscionable.

  2. Trump, Trump, Trump 2024!!!! Trump, Trump, Trump 2024!!!! Trump, Trump, Trump 2024!!!! Trump, Trump, Trump 2024!!!! Trump, Trump, Trump 2024!!!! Trump, Trump, Trump 2024!!!! Trump, Trump, Trump 2024!!!! Trump, Trump, Trump 2024!!!!

  3. It made a difference for me I will never vote for a Democrat and will be voting for Trump bc all the despicable sham trials against Trump make me angry knowing how evil the Democrats are with all their corruption and interference with the election against Trump.

  4. There are many silent voters out there who don't do polls because they don't want the FBI showing up at their door. Many are frightened by their own government as it has turned into a banana republic, and the rule of law has become a suggestion. November will be the true test, and if Biden is still the democratic candidate, I think he will have a hard time unless the black caucus decides to step in and help him again.

  5. of course it makes no difference the criminal elite just exposed their hand they shown just how corrupt they really are and are just projecting onto trump

  6. As if we expected a different verdict from this court!!??!! And the very quick verdict told it all….they had their minds made up and did not considet that not only were the charges bogus, they believed Cohen the Liar!!!!! The American Public has watched the extreme measures the Democratic Party has and will continue to go to to keep the election fair!!! As they did with the previous election!!!

  7. Here is how the verdict affects me and my wife. We have never donated money to ANY candidate in our 60 yrs on this planet. Until now. Trump has always had our vote but now we are supporting him financially because he supports what we believe is right in America and Brandon is what we believe is wrong.

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