Home Politics My son works 3 jobs to 'survive' this economy: Life insurance worker

My son works 3 jobs to 'survive' this economy: Life insurance worker

My son works 3 jobs to 'survive' this economy: Life insurance worker


Life insurance industry worker Linda Fornos discusses how bad the economy has been under President Biden during the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee.


  1. My son lives in his vehicle working every day. Rents are too high.
    I'm disabled senior living in my vehicle. No affordable housing available .
    Some of my sons coworkers live in their vehicles. Rents are too high.
    This gotta come to an end.

  2. Omgggg!! Really democrats, in ca news, gotta say, trump as " convicted felon" yea, well see how long your career is, ends!!!, and focused on what jd Vance negatively said about trump. They need a life, they are sooo miserable, life going off the cliff

  3. That one Hashine I don’t know how to spell her name, the Fox anchor with the dark hair has got to be one of the most beautiful of Gods. Creatures I’ve ever seen. Laura Du was the other years ago on Fox but this woman anchor is a perfect specimen of a woman. Keep her. Even hours later she’s flawless.

  4. Poor Trump's supporters needed to work for three jobs. You just look at Biden's fans, they only shouted "I can't breathe" and "Me too" have earned billion dollars ☺️

  5. Latinos for Trump!!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💪I too made this mistake, but that's before I knew that the Woke Media was lying to us, didn't know I was listening to the wrong Media, that's why I only listen to Fox News, they speak the truth. An Independent voting for Trump n a Chicago Native, living in Texas!
    A Disabled
    US Army Vet.
    🪖🇺🇸💪🙏 God Bless America, Mr. Trump n his Family 🛐🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
    Prayers 🙏😢🛐🇺🇸

  6. I work one job atabout 100 hrs a week. A small biz owner who my first fiscal year under trump (I started from homelessness and had just got sober after opioid addiction) but my FIRST full year with ZERO advertising or enthusiasm being listed on Google in the most conservative state in the nation Florida… I surpassed SIX figures and could predict for FOUR years what I would make n went from HOMELESS addict to SOBER, taxpayers, small business owner who managed to get a home built from the ground up…NOW? I'm working harder my hips n I both have almost exhausted our savings, my daughter has cardiac issues and can't endnote get her dental care she's been in a liquid diet n malnutrition cuz I can't even get her dental care WITH paying for insurance every month… buying groceries in credit cards. Went from a 750 credit score n a new home to over 50k in debt and almost NO liquid savings now under Biden.
    Trump was other than GOD, family, my SOBRIETY n my able body n able mind… Trump was the best thing that ever happened to me in my life. N Biden hasbeen the worst. I cry almost nightly over not being able to LITERALLY save my daughters life when she has fight so hard n kept so much grace n strength. Our hope has been demolished by Biden n his agenda n his policy. Pray for our country. Pray for Trump. N pray for me n my family

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