Home Politics MSNBC panel ripped for calling out guest who used term 'illegal immigrant'

MSNBC panel ripped for calling out guest who used term 'illegal immigrant'



Fox News contributor Joe Concha joined ‘Fox & Friends First’ to discuss why the interaction made his ‘blood boil’ and his reaction to AP failing to mention the suspects accused of killing a 12-year-old girl were illegal immigrants.


  1. I really wish Republicans would stop talking about sexual assault as if Donald Trump wasn’t just convicted and found civilly liable and owes $90 million to his victim! Pure hypocrisy that’s all the republican party has left!🤮

  2. We all know what this was, it is a function to derail a persons argument and discredit a person. Its disrespectful act against “guest” and these tactics need to be condemned much harder then they currently are.

  3. As a Democrat, I agree that the term illegal alien, not illegal immigrant and not undocumented is the appropriate term. Lawbreaking is not “unfortunate” as Michael Steel says . It is illegal and Joy Reed and Simone should be corrected. However, before you celebrate, while I used to hate illegal aliens now I hope they will become citizens and replace the brothers who betrayed us. America needs our illegal aliens to become legal citizens. The rhetoric and hatred on the right wing has changed my mind, especially when I saw how Trump treated people in cages during Covid. And I saw him sabotage the border bill so he could run on the issue, despite that the Langford bill provided no pathway to citizenship, Democrats would’ve passed it. The blessings of God on America proscribe hate and call on us to be the beacon of liberty. And it’s clear that America needs the population growth or we will have the same sorts of problems of Japan and China and Russia are having. Let the immigrants learn English, but other than that America is not a race or an ethnic group. We are a set of ideals. In my experience, new American citizens are the most inspirational and have made me proud to be an American.

  4. The AP threw out the notion it is non-partisan and objective years ago. For instance, when certain pieces of legislation are passed to protect women or children they are referred to as "anti-trans" laws by the AP.

  5. BTw, MSNBC have been making more hay out of that interview than the entire breadbasket of Ukraine -pre invasion! Yet somehow Fox and The Heritage Foundation seem to think this is a massive win for them …. I guess the intricacies of strategy must be lost on we lesser minds.

  6. That MSNBC hosts are more offended by what literal murders and rapists are called than by the crimes they commit says everything about the network and what the Democrat party has become.

  7. I really wish Republicans would stop talking about sexual assault as if Donald Trump wasn’t just convicted and found civilly liable and owes $90 million to his victim! Pure hypocrisy that’s all the republican party has left!🤮

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