Home Videos Migrants refuse to leave NYC field causing cancellation of high school soccer...

Migrants refuse to leave NYC field causing cancellation of high school soccer game



Outreach U NYC co-founder George Lanese on how migrants in NYC parks are forcing the cancellation of your sporting events.
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  1. Here in Ontario Canada the same thing is happening with kids baseball diamonds, playgrounds, parks etc… our governments keep sending money abroad leaving locals to fend for themselves only to be locked up when they take action into there own hands.

  2. These kids have used this field for soccer for years and never had a problem, everyone in Harlem knows this and has always respected that. Most people still do their workouts on the other end of the park, this has gotten out of hand,the men in our communities better take a stand against this nonsense.

  3. Just remember America when you go and vote who created all this chaos.
    Remember who endangered our children.
    If you truly want law & Order restored to America then you will vote for Trump.
    A vote for Biden is a vote for terrorism.

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