Home Politics Michael Cohen faces a significant challenge

Michael Cohen faces a significant challenge



Constitutional attorney Mark Smith joined ‘Fox & Friends First’ to discuss his take on Cohen’s first day of testimony and what he believes will be the ‘real test’ for him as he is cross-examined by Trump’s attorneys.


  1. Trump lied to his followers. He knew he lost the last election, the ketchup hit the wall. Why would you need a fake electors sceme if you thought you had legitimately won. Lies lies lies

  2. He is a low life little lying weasel! Should be in prison! Pathetic with his pandering and the idiots that are actually stupid enough to send him gifts! 🙄🤮

  3. The reality is that Cohen has been through this already once. So the Defence has an uphill battle. What Cohen has said has already been corroborated. There’s nothing the defence can do to unsaddle his evidence. Trump is f’d

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