Home Politics Maryland Governor Signs Gun Control Legislation

Maryland Governor Signs Gun Control Legislation



Maryland Governor Wes Moore signed legislation on Thursday to establish a state-level gun control center similar to the federal office of gun violence prevention created by the Biden Administration. According to the Associated Press, Moore praised the creation of the center at a signing ceremony, stating that Maryland is the first state in the nation to respond to President Biden’s call for action.

Democrats hailed the center as a way to collaborate with federal and local agencies to address gun violence. Governor Moore also signed two other gun control bills, including House Bill 947, which aims to hold irresponsible players in the firearm industry accountable, and House Bill 810, which prohibits devices referred to by Democrats as “Glock switches.”

In related news, Democrat-led Chicago joined forces with Everytown for Gun Safety, a group affiliated with Mike Bloomberg, to file a lawsuit against the Glock handgun company over the distribution of “Glock switches.” This move comes amid concerns raised by reports that Chinese companies are flooding the United States with auto sear switches, also known as “Glock switches,” that can convert handguns into machine guns.

In his book “Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans,” Peter Schweizer exposes the influx of these illegal devices from China. Despite being prohibited for most gun owners in the U.S., these auto sear switches are being shipped in large quantities from China.

AWR Hawkins, an acclaimed Second Amendment columnist for Truth Voices, provides further insight and analysis on this issue. Follow him on Instagram @awr_hawkins and subscribe to his newsletter “Down Range” on Truth Voices’s website. For direct inquiries, contact him at awrhawkins@truthvoices.com.

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