Home Politics Mark Levin: This is the biggest scam in American electoral history!

Mark Levin: This is the biggest scam in American electoral history!

Mark Levin: This is the biggest scam in American electoral history!


Fox News host Mark Levin discusses Vice President Kamala Harris’ record as election day nears on ‘Life, Liberty & Levin.’


  1. This is eerily similar to that old Peter Sellers movie, “Being There.” This is the worst possible time in world history to have such a silly, obviously unqualified person at the helm of this country. That she’s too dull to recognize her own limitations is the most frightening aspect. World War III—and Armageddon—beckons us all onwards!

  2. The republicans attempt to circumvent an election by installing assets in the elections that have vowed to deny the results? Yeah, republicans are definitely anti-American democracy and pro Christofacist authoritarianism. Next time, don't publish the playbook to overthrow the government.

  3. Common RFK Jr & POTUS biden Supports Trump as President, Whats so awkward of A Comet Halloween Elections 🎃 LOL😂❤ & God Bless The USA 🇺🇸 & Everyone Who Loves Jesus Christ Who Wants to Save ❤

  4. Kamala wants this election to be only about personality. That is why she constantly attacks Trumps personality. Unfortunately, there are a lot of Americans that run their lives on the emotions so, they decide who to vote for based on their reaction to personality. Part of the reason JFK beat Nixon was the voters that choose his personality. When Trump beat Hillary part of the reason was, she revealed that she is ugly on the inside, a mean ruthless person. Kamala is making the same mistake by attacking Trump's personality, she is showing that she is an ugly "KAREN" inside.

  5. The biggest scam in electoral history is republican presidents losing the popular vote by millions and still winning through the mf electoral college. Trump should be in hell by now.

  6. WHY DID TRUMP DEBATE AT ALL ? , BOTH NOW AND IN JUNE (when he only "won" because CNN assisted Dems to oust Biden, and he was dumb enough to help them)

    HE turned out to have needed notes, not SHE…Trump to arrogant and vain to prepare…He should have prepared as if she would be given the questions beforehand and even have rehearsals with the " moderators " (which she did)

  7. Why hasn't she been impeached for not doing her job right now. When Biden was declared incompetent to stand trial for his crimes it was her job to remove him and stand up and do her job. Instead she did it behind the scenes while lying to America and the world. We look like idiots to the world. This inflation and invasion is ALL ON HER.

  8. 🙄🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣You're Done!!!

  9. It’s a win for America when Trump wins. His policies are like hitting the lottery for America everything America desperately needs right now. And yes, I totally agree. can’t even explain what’s going on. It’s just so deeply corrupted

  10. Fox News is the biggest scam in news history, calling themselves news to start with. Fox is going to get sued again. Here comes the lies, listen to the names he is calling her, oh switch to lies about Trump, he is for law and order. Regan would not vote for Trump no way.

  11. I was just guessing since she had nothing to say and talked in circles that their goal was to keep her from giggling. All the ridiculous posing with a hand to the chin was pretty dumb. I don't know what she could have possibly won?

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