Home Politics ‘Marjorie Taylor Greene Ridicules Mike Johnson with ‘Ukraine First’ Hat’

‘Marjorie Taylor Greene Ridicules Mike Johnson with ‘Ukraine First’ Hat’

‘Marjorie Taylor Greene Ridicules Mike Johnson with ‘Ukraine First’ Hat’


Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia made a “MUGA” logo hat and placed it on a cardboard cutout of House Speaker Mike Johnson of Louisiana outside the Capitol Building. She expressed her intention to start a motion to remove Speaker Johnson, criticizing him for allowing Democrats to pass President Joe Biden’s Ukraine legislative agenda. Greene argued that Americans do not want their tax dollars funding wars in foreign countries. Speaker Johnson faced backlash for working with Democrats on passing Biden’s Ukraine agenda on two separate occasions. In response to Greene’s motion to vacate, Johnson condemned it, stating that it is wrong for the Republican conference, the institution, and the country. Johnson defended his actions, emphasizing the need to continue doing what he believes is right. Ultimately, it is likely that establishment Republicans and Democrats will come together to keep Johnson in his position.

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