Home Politics Marijuana and Gun Rights: The Biden Administration’s Troubling Connection

Marijuana and Gun Rights: The Biden Administration’s Troubling Connection

Marijuana and Gun Rights: The Biden Administration’s Troubling Connection


The Biden administration’s stance on marijuana policy has been marked by a glaring inconsistency. Despite acknowledging the dangers of marijuana, the administration continues to push for leniency and legalization. A recent Justice Department court filing in a Mississippi gun case highlights the risks associated with marijuana use, including altered perception, short-term memory loss, impaired motor skills, and increased risk of psychosis and mental disorders.

These findings are corroborated by numerous peer-reviewed studies, which have shown that marijuana is a highly hazardous substance linked to higher traffic accident rates, increased health problems, and even genetic damage. However, the administration has chosen to downplay these risks, instead opting to reclassify marijuana as a Schedule III controlled substance, making it a lower priority for law enforcement.

In contrast, some Republican governors, such as Virginia’s Glenn Youngkin, have taken a more measured approach, vetoing bills that would have further liberalized marijuana laws. Their efforts are aimed at protecting public health and safety.

The Biden administration’s admission of marijuana’s dangers is a welcome development, but it is being used to justify a gun control measure that has been ruled unconstitutional by federal courts of appeals. The law in question makes it illegal for individuals who use controlled substances, including marijuana, to own a gun, even if they have not been convicted of a crime or had their gun ownership rights revoked.

This issue deserves further discussion, but for now, it is clear that the administration’s message on marijuana is inconsistent and misguided. Rather than using the dangers of marijuana as a pretext for gun control, the administration should take a more comprehensive approach to addressing the risks associated with marijuana use. This means acknowledging the science and taking steps to protect public health and safety, rather than succumbing to calls for more leniency and legalization.

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