Home Politics Manchin Refuses to be Labeled as a DC Democrat

Manchin Refuses to be Labeled as a DC Democrat



Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.V., weighs in on the state of the Republican Party, chances for a Trump re-election and Israeli aid on ‘One Nation.’


  1. Who does he think he is, green makes more sense than any other person I hear talking and I would vote her in for president before I would anyone else except Trump,

  2. There is a disconnect with the nation's youth because they all grew up with technology and technology kept them inside the technical world instead of outside conversing with their friends and building better relationship skills so now they only have the views that they see online they have never really talked to people and now when you challenge their ideals they don't know how to respond and you can pretty much brainwash them through the internet and media

  3. Manchin is an old school moderate Democrat. They can be dealt with. Bill Clinton was a moderate Democrat at one time. The Democrats are going to keep going further and further left. Manchin might as well leave the party and become independent or Republican. The party that he has always been in is long gone.

  4. Go Trump, except what happens after November. All the Palestinians will still be here. Just like all the disgusting Latin kings gangs are all still in Illinois while Trump was in office. All BS.

  5. Trump 2024 Save America 🇺🇸
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    Pro bill of rights
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    Pro world peace
    Supports small and family businesses
    Helps our veterans
    Lower taxes
    Affordable housing
    Low inflation and interest rates
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    Tell your friends and family

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