Home Politics Maggie Haberman: Trump Struggling to Attack Kamala Harris

Maggie Haberman: Trump Struggling to Attack Kamala Harris

Maggie Haberman: Trump Struggling to Attack Kamala Harris


Maggie Haberman, a senior political correspondent for the New York Times, appeared on CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 on Tuesday and shared her insights on former President Donald Trump’s struggles to attack his opponent, President Kamala Harris.

According to Haberman, Trump’s difficulties in targeting Harris stem from her being a woman and a black woman, two factors that have proven challenging for him in the past. While Trump’s allies may argue that he is an equal opportunity offender, Haberman noted that he has consistently struggled with women opponents and critics, particularly black women.

Haberman pointed out that Trump tends to rely on a limited set of tactics, often repeating the same moves he has used in the past. In his attacks on Harris, Trump is employing a similar strategy to the one he used against former President Barack Obama, including promoting conspiracy theories and questioning his opponent’s legitimacy.

Haberman also suggested that Trump is feeling cornered and is increasingly listening to advisors who support conspiracy theories or are critical of the establishment. This, she argued, is leading him to make decisions that are driven by a desire to appease his base rather than to engage in a more nuanced and effective campaign strategy.

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