Home Videos Levin critiques NY v. Trump: Comparing it to Judicial Whack-a-Mole

Levin critiques NY v. Trump: Comparing it to Judicial Whack-a-Mole



Fox News host Mark Levin tells ‘The Story’ NY v. Trump is a disgrace. #foxnews #thestory


  1. Facts First: Trump’s claims are all false. The police have not turned away “thousands of people” from the courthouse.
    Facts First: Trump’s claim that Cohen’s prison sentence “had nothing to do with me” is false. Cohen’s three-year sentence in 2018 was for multiple crimes, some of which were directly related to Trump.
    Facts First: As he has before, Trump made Merchan’s gag order sound far broader than it is. The gag order does not prohibit Trump from declaring the case a sham or from sharing others’ claims that the case is a sham.
    And on and on….

  2. This judge will put Trump in jail for a day and then throw the case out because the change is for NY state and Trump is federal . Case closed. The changes Brag brought was for a NT state crime so it doesn't have anything to do with Trump .

  3. I commented on a site that Trump should not be there, then a woman commented what do I expect a CRIMINAL should be. MeidaTouch podcast, talking law only where Michael Cohen also have a slot. Those people know more what they'll say in public.

  4. U quote Jackson a woman that couldn't even tell u the difference from a man n a woman n we taking these jackasses as Supreme, like that sick demented useless ginsenburg ,they probably trying to decide which one should be n hell first

  5. Levin you're an idiot and treating your viewers as idiots.

    Trump is on bail and under bail conditions in FOUR criminal trials.

    He cannot say whatever he likes and because he can't help himself multiple judges have had to impose gag orders AFTER he has put people's lives in danger and impacted witnesses, jurors and the trials themselves.

    If he wants to say whatever he wants to then he can waive his multiple bails and sit in jail instead.

    He has ONLY himself to blame

  6. He will be convicted. The juries there convict anyone Republican the democrats tell them to convict. We have seen it all before. There was nothing there with the E Jean Carroll case either, and they convicted him anyway. Juries in NY vote solely on politics and their feelings of hatred of a person. No cases of political people should be allowed to he held in that city. No one gets a fair trial there unless they are a democrat and more often than not democrats there do not get prosecuted at all. That is where our justice system is currently at. It has collapsed into 3rd world status.

  7. May the Lord Free Trump and lift the gag orders . It’s very unfair. And they are not being true. To Trump. This is all very wrong and very dangerous and very Evil. The Judges are very wrong. Biden is behind all of this Crap . Why would anyone want to vote for Biden. Trump needs to be set free now. All this is not legal. Brag is not doing right at all. Trump is being treated very badly and very wrongly. This is a disgrace and for our nation.

  8. the main goal of all these fake court cases, the J-6 nonsense, 2 bogus impeachments and the Trump Russia Collusion hoax is to get the uninformed voter to think Orange Man Bad. it is working quite well. if not for the fake news and the fake vote the dems could not get away with this.

  9. NY IS A POLICE STATE , DEMOCRAT LENEIST MARXIST HOCHUL NOW WRITES AND SIGNS INTO LAW , AND LATRINE JAMES SAYS YESEM THEM DA LAWS 😮Internment camps are being built to imprison N. Y. Citzens without charged, trial or appeal to any court! New Comers from border invasion are the future democracy of suburbian villiages of minority preferance for Nassau & Suffolk Counties revamped zoning villiages of equity, Inclusion, Diversity BIDEN , FEDERAL CONDEMNATIONS OF SINGLE FAMILY HOMES, HOCHUL MIGRANT ZONING COMMUNITY S 9OO PER ACRE OF LAND! MUTI- STORIED PROJECTS & MASSTRANSPORTATION ONLY! PROTESTERS WILL BE INTERNED IN CAMPS FOR CIVIL DISOBEDIANCE AND OBJECTIONAL GROUP CONDUCT!

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