Home Politics Law Firm Drops Mayor Identified as America’s Worst

Law Firm Drops Mayor Identified as America’s Worst

Law Firm Drops Mayor Identified as America’s Worst


The law firm representing Dolton, Illinois Mayor Tiffany Henyard (D) has requested to withdraw from multiple lawsuits involving Henyard and the Village of Dolton due to alleged non-payment. According to a letter shared with the Daily Mail, the Del Galdo Law Group warned that the Village of Dolton was at risk of becoming “uninsurable” and stated that they had not been compensated for their services. Henyard is currently facing 22 lawsuits related to her actions.

The law firm’s letter mentioned that the Village Board had stopped paying their legal bills, leading them to decline further work without payment. They also stated that they would not be defending any new cases and would be withdrawing from existing cases by May 8, 2024. The Village of Dolton was described as approaching a state of being “uninsurable” due to its accumulating debt.

Additionally, Henyard has been labeled as “America’s Worst Mayor” for her spending practices and allegations of abusing her position. She is also being accused of covering up a colleague’s sexual assault of a former employee. The FBI has issued subpoenas to Dolton Village Hall, one related to employment records and the other concerning the village administrator’s bankruptcy charges.

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