Home Politics Lara Trump says Democrats’ use of lawfare and communist tactics are ‘blowing...

Lara Trump says Democrats’ use of lawfare and communist tactics are ‘blowing up in their face’



RNC co-chair Lara Trump weighs in on the former president’s campaign amid NY v. Trump, the call for debates against President Biden and efforts to ensure a fair and transparent election.


  1. Ha ha ha ha elections dont stop on election day. What a bunch of dummies!

    Voting stops on election day and then the counting starts.

    States could count early votes but it was the REPUBLICANS across states which fought to prevent that for their nefarious reasons.

  2. You want another debate after trump made a total fool of himself last time and gave his team covid after lying that he had been tested when he had not?

    Sure – look stupid and irresponsible again and again and again

  3. So… the crimes that trump has been indicted for are illegal campaign contributions and illegal election interference.

    And you claim his trial for those crimes is somehow "election interference".

    Hilarious what the maga dummies will claim and believe 😂

  4. Everyone including Democrats who are sick and tired of all the crimes, lies and corruption should vote for Trump to fix all the mess which was created in the past 16 years. He was already fixing everything. They started conspiring against him since the year 2016. It began in "Obamas" White house.

  5. Every accusation Trump makes is a confession of what he's already done. No policies on his platform except to ruin our economy once again through tax cuts for rich and tariffs.

  6. I agree but Jacob Wheeler is the best out there. He won before livescope he is a legend in the making. KVD, Ike, Swindle, A-Mart, Skeet, and Roland of there eras were great. Edwin Evers, Jordan Lee, Jason Christie, Brandon Palaniuk, Scott Martin, I’m sure I’m missing some big names.

  7. We already know what Trump has accomplished especially in the Middle East with the Abraham accords brought peace through strength!! Took out isis!! On our homeland Trump built a wall he got us energy independence which Biden shortly threw away!!! Biden can’t debate Trump because the lunatic media will cover for Biden and slam Trump and never admit the awful things Biden has done to America!!

  8. This women is literally a russian all of these fox news hosts are. They pretend to be pro american but if you know what to look for you know they are very anti american.

  9. I wouldn’t debate the Orange Toddler unless he posted up a $10 million deposit and agreed that every time he interrupts when it’s not his turn to speak he forfeits $1 million. And if he stalks around the stage when I was talking he forfeits all the money in the pot and the debate is over with me being declared the winner. He has demonstrated in the past that he is incapable of adhering to any rules of debate and he demonstrates practically every day that he can’t control his mouth so unless his money is on the line I wouldn’t want to find myself on a stage with a toddler of any age and especially the 77 year old Orange Toddler. And that would be my advice to President Biden.

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