Home Politics Key Witness Hallie Biden Testifies About Hunter’s Drug Use

Key Witness Hallie Biden Testifies About Hunter’s Drug Use



Fox News’ Rich Edson provides updates on Hunter Biden’s federal trial.


  1. Hunter Biden MUST be guilty, because he doesn't end each day in court whining and crying like a baby that the judge, the prosecutor, the judges daughter, the jury the justice system is all picking on him. The difference between a MAN and crybaby Convicted Felon Trump.

  2. One sick group are the Biden's BUT being the "spare" to the "heir" could have made Hunter feel superior bedding his dead brothers wife!? Wonder how Joe & Jill really felt about it? Probably a normal day of events in this family, considering all they have in common!😊

  3. Hunter had the gun for 11 days and never fired it. This case is a little embarrassing for the Biden family, but it's not like President Biden 𝘏𝘪𝘮𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘧 is on trial for a criminal felony! (or 34 of them)…

  4. How long will this Hunter SCAM Court"SHINY NICKEL" be dangled as a DISTRACTION in Our faces..This is like Professional Wrestling the outcome has already been RESOLVED..Broken Border,Ukraine,Hamas,Homelessness.Inflation,Crime,Illegal Murderers,Obama's Chef,Maui fire.Trump Scam Court,"GONE"..

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