Home Politics Kevin O’Leary: The Biggest Challenge Facing Both Biden and Trump

Kevin O’Leary: The Biggest Challenge Facing Both Biden and Trump

Kevin O’Leary: The Biggest Challenge Facing Both Biden and Trump


O’Leary Ventures Chairman Kevin O’Leary joined ‘America’s Newsroom’ to discuss his take on Trump’s vow to nix taxes on tips for service workers and inflation impacting car and home insurance rates.


  1. Uber drivers get tips ? Really ? Like for what ? Why public bus, trains and so on get tips from riders ?
    Like why must the uber driver get tips ? For what reason ? This makes no sense at all. Never mind that the waiters getting tips already make no sense when they just take order and deliver the order while dont do anything other. Explaining you what your order contains but thats about it so why they deserve to get tips ? I understand that the cook gets tips as they actually cook the food and do the job. Uber driver makes no sense at all as you pay in your app when you set the point a to point b. This is not a Taxi where you pay for the driver so there for they deserve it somewhat.

  2. The same man who added Tariff Taxes for multibillion dollar companies and causing companies to move overseas . Cutting taxes for service workers causes increase in cost of living and taxes for imports and homed goods .

  3. Trump is making promises he can't keep. Like his wedding vows or Repealing and Replacing Obamacare on day one.

    Anyone who falls for Trump's promises is a sucker.

  4. Who was the first President in recent times to leave office with FEWER job opportunities on offer than when he took office. This was NOT due to an uptake in employment but simply due to a decline in business outputs. Here's a clue, READ

  5. As corrupt and evil Joe Biden is, it seriously wouldn't surprise me if Joe Biden wins in November and as far as Having Thanksgiving and Christmas this year lol..not going to happen because prices will continue to rise every year after that as long as Joe Biden is president ,its the democratic way of life here in America

  6. BTW……Sen. Warren is a MORON and a LIAR…….INSURANCE PREMIUMS ARE SET BY THE DEPT OF INSURANCE IN EACH STATE…..it isn't just CHARGE whatever you want, the STATE REGULATES IT……Sen. Warren is a MORON

  7. I don't believe the polls either. I can't believe the race is that tight between Biden and Trump. The polls were wrong in 2016. I think this November it will be a land slide and Trump will be our president once again. Anybody that votes for Biden, I will show you the fool. Anybody that votes democrat are traitors to America. I'm 68 years old, was a lifelong democrat until I finally woke up. Thank God! Trump 2024! No matter what!

  8. The only way to make idea of taxing tips not a load of BS is if we as a nation ditch the idea of tipping and incorporate the labor costs of waiters/waitresses into the bill.

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