Home Politics Katie Pavlich: Kamala Harris isn’t in a good position

Katie Pavlich: Kamala Harris isn’t in a good position

Katie Pavlich: Kamala Harris isn’t in a good position


‘The Big Weekend Show’ co-hosts preview the upcoming ABC Presidential Debate between former President Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris.


  1. Democrats were never going to vote for RFK JR. I spoke to many Dems and they immediately hated RFK JR. The Dems are all single issue voters – they all want California Style One Party Control of America. This will be a very very close election. Poll watchers will be abused at ballot counting sites. Dems want to politicize the SCOTUS and will cheat to do that.

  2. Fox News is "reported" that Harris with more than three decades of elected public service experience has no experience. They also "reported" that Trump has experience. The reality is that prior to his (illegally) lying his way into the 2016 election, Trump had absolutely no prior work experience in any public service elected job. Simply put, Fox lies, and they are paid to lie.

    Stupid people love Trump because he is not capable of correctly using big words, just like them. Of all the crazy problems Trump has, there is one biggest problem for him. In this country, less than half of the voting public is in the same camp with an IQ less than 73, just like Trump. His adoring brainless dolts are not sufficient.

    Do the math.

  3. Our Country is in peril. Things are out of control. Migrant crime violence is spreading to every town like a virus. Its destroying this country.
    Vote Trump 2024. The democrats are to blame.
    We are on the brink of total chaos. Bring order back.

  4. FOX, for obvious reasons, doesn't look at their own polls or how much money she has raised, the size of her rally crowds or the number of people lining up to help at her election campaign offices.

  5. Whatever happens at the debate, even if Harris sounds good, her record for 3 1/2 in office annihilated the us economy ,clearly. You need someone like TRUMP – THE IRON MAN who is experience and comes with business freight ,to handle the economy and immigration which Kamala failed at it ,clearly. TRUMP has a good track record in the past as PRESIDENT so he is clearly the man for the job. People trust TRUMP (The known devil )than Kamala( The unknown devil) . It is not just being nice to the people around you so that they think highly of you, Its about positively impacting the lives of people. To elect Kamala just because she is the first black female PRESIDENT to be, is a serious mistake . TRUMP 2024

  6. I know this is anecdotal, but in my conservative neighborhood I see Kamala signs where there were no Biden signs. There seems to be excitement for her like no one has ever seen before. People are saying even Republicans are switching to Kamala!

  7. Wont matter. China already printed up the mail in ballots. Just waiting for election night to figure out how many are needed like last time. Never did hear about that truckload of ballots lost going from NY to PA have we?

  8. Unable to address any issue seriously brought up by others, the only way the poor minded Trump knows how to respond is by attacking the person and calling them names. The only people who pay attention to those kinds of words are his supporters. It's the typical Republican Idiocracy syndrome.

  9. God has this undercontrol be careful the seeds you plant about people. Trump cannot make America great again he does not have that kind of power. You don't put your faith in man don't forget what he January 6th. People are still going to jail for that situation. Please pray first God has the power and the prayers. God bless you all real good amen 😊❤❤❤

  10. If Kamala Harris is elected in November we will definitely experience another recession and we will probably have WWIII. MAGA is pro LGBTQ and we only want a common sense age of consent for people who wish to medically change their gender. Transwomen are women but they have the strength of biological men and they should not be allowed to compete as women. It's not fair!

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